Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Helpful Tips from my Dry Cleaners

Oh...hi there. Stephen and I just got back from our northwest adventure a week or so ago. Staying on my eating plan and workout plan turned out to be more difficult than I thought. However, I did manage to only gain 2 pounds back. Yay me! I was filling pretty good about myself. We began getting back into the groove of things immediately when we arrived home. That included the familiar trip to the dry cleaners. Everytime I go in there, they rant and rave at my "transformation." "Oh! Ms. Willoby! You lose more weight? You're looking better. Cause you were BIG! Yeah Big! Your legs, still big. And your butt. But better."

Gee thanks guys. :(

For those of you who do not know what cankles look like. I will educate you with a recent picture from my friend's wedding.

I am the one with the cankles on the far left. Blah! They will be gone soon, hopefully!