Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Our Bodies are God's Temple. Let's get in shape!

Thank you everyone who donated to Sergey's Fund Raiser. It was an absolute act of God! They were able to raise over $17,000.00 in that short amount of time. Praise God! Thank you for being willing to be used for God's will. They are still almost $10,000.00 short, but we have faith that it will be a piece of cake for God to make this happen in His perfect timing. You can still donate if you didn't get a chance to at Danielle's blog . You just won't be entered into the raffle since the winners were announced yesterday. Again THANK YOU to all of you who gave when it might not be an abundant financial time in your life. Trust me when I say that God will bless you for your selflessness and your faithfulness. God is sooooo good!

On a health note, since this blog is about my health, spiritual health is just as, if not MORE, important than your physical health. There are things that are beneficial for my spiritual health that I need to do daily just like a work out. I will be honest and confess that I am not as disciplined in that area either as I would like to be. I try to read my daily devotional book by Joyce Meyers every morning along with my Bible. I need to make more of an effort to make time for that since I make time for other things like working out, my business, school, house work, and rest. I also take time every day to read 15 minutes, at least, of a book that focuses on my personal growth. Right now I am reading The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie O'Martian. I can't explain the results that I have noticed from it, but I can say that I have noticed them! It is so amazing! Stephen and I have a pretty good relationship, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't prepare ourselves or prevent problems from arising in the future. I credit a lot of our communication skills to these amazing books: The Bible, The 5 Love Languages, Power of a Praying Wife, How to Win Friends and Influence People, As a Man Thinketh, and Everyone Communicates, Few Connect. I recommend EVERYONE to get these books and read them asap. They help in so many areas of life, especially your closest relationships.
So, my plan is to group my Biblical reading with my personal growth reading and make it a 30 minute window instead of (2)15 minute windows. Before bed seems to be the best time. Also, prayer is the most powerful thing we can do for our spiritual health. It's like water to the body. Without water our bodies will perish. Praying is the social network to God, you should update your status frequently! Reading is like vitamins and supplements. What we put into our minds and our hearts eventually comes out of our mouths. It is true that what a person thinks, so is he. Let's put good stuff in, so good stuff goes out. Church is your scale. This is where we can evaluate where we are in our spiritual health and what we need to do to improve.  Finally the world is your gym. As a Christian I believe that I am constantly exercising what it is I believe. I need to be an example of what a Christian is supposed to be; loving, forgiving, positive, encouraging, gracious, helpful, honest, etc. Basically, Christ-like. That's the ultimate goal, isn't it? There are a lot of times I fail, but I need to keep looking up and seeking God's help to help me back up and keep moving. It's kind of funny to think of this in this way, but if you want to lose all the weight you are carrying around in sin, guilt, fear, hate, loneliness, regret, depression, etc, you can in an instant just by asking. Ask God to remove it from your heart and soul and trust in Him to do just that, then He will. If you didn't know already, but that is what Easter was all about. We can have spiritual liposuction the second we ask for it with no payment plan. Jesus already paid it in advance, an early Christmas present, if you will. If you want to talk more about this one on one I am more than able to do that. I know I spoke of this very serious matter in a light hearted way, but sometimes making it fun and simple can make it stick better. Love You!


  1. I love that you are working on becoming the best version of yourself!
    That is EXACTLY what God created us to is our purpose, and should be, for ourselves, and our spouses, children, everyone. Spiritually and physically...and AMEN to discipline! It is not easy, but I have always said that a life with no discipline is scattered and never happy. We need it.

    I just read a few books that absolutely changed my life. So add these to your list: The Seven Levels of Intimacy, Building Better Families, and Rediscovering Catholicism....all by Matthew Kelly, who has coined the phrase "become the best version of yourself". I recently heard him speak on "living your life with passion and purpose"...and he seriously had God working through him, because he changed my life.

    And yes...this is Laura from Piece of Cake, who wrote about the vagina on my plate...I never know what will come out of my mouth! I confuse a lot of people I think. I am basically a woman so in love with God and not afraid to talk about Him, but I also have a pre teen boys sense of humor and tend to "cross the line" often!

    if you e mail me at I can send you my info! THANK YOU!

  2. Great post!!! So true...I need to be better about my daily devotionals. It is hit or miss with me, but you are right; I make time for other things so I need to make time for that, too. Especially since it is one of the MOST important things that I can do.
