Thursday, April 21, 2011


So, recently, on Wednesday mornings, us girls (the Fab Four, as I like to call us) have taken on YOGA. I have always wanted to be a Yogi. I love everything about it, except the process it takes to become one. I am talking about how awkward I feel transitioning into the positions, how I feel verses how I look in the mirror, how loud I breathe, and how not streamlined my body is at the moment. I will get there, but right now it's not pretty. I enjoy the end of the sessions when you get to lay down and rest. I just think about that as my reward for the physical and emotional pain I go through as I stretch, contort, and breathe. :) I have realized, just from this last session, that I need to do cardio BEFORE Yoga because I just feel like taking a nap afterwards. Plus, I don't burn as many calories as I like by just doing Yoga. So, to make myself even more pumped I am purchasing a new Yoga mat and carrier as a Birthday present to myself! I will post a picture when I get it. I am turning 29 tomorrow. I really need to think about what I want to accomplish in the next 365 days, before I am 30!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday!!! I feel your pain. I am really awkward at yoga too, but I am hoping that it will start to get easier. I guess that means we need to keep going.
