Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Still plugging along

Well, I am still in the game. It was hard this last week to keep up with a routine. My husband, brother, and I went to Vegas for business and pleasure for 5 days. I got cardio in the first night: I pushed Stephen in his chair up and down the strip for 5 HOURS!!! Yuck. It was freezing, windy, and he couldn't push that well in it, so I had to assist. It became a long night, but fun. My legs hurt so bad when I woke up the next morning. Then the only thing I managed to get in was a 30 minute swim on Friday. I started out good, but then came the food. I was aweful. When I fall off the wagon, I fall hard. So, today was the first day back in the gym. I burned 720 calories! Woowoo! Gotta make up for Vegas. I just realized that I have less than a month to drop 2 dress sizes. I might have to readjust my goals. I have already knocked my calorie consumption to 1065 in order to lose 2 pounds a week. I add back whatever calories I burn for that day, though. I checked to make sure that was what I was supposed to do and it is. I work out to eat, it seems. Haha.

On a different note, I wanted to talk to you about Sergey, my soon to be nephew. He is an orphan from a different country and has Down Syndrome. My sister, Danielle and her family, are working towards adopting him. They are allowing people to donate money or an item to their fund raiser. Please check out the information on the bottom left of this blog to learn more about her family, their heart, and Sergey. We can't wait to bring him home, so please help if you can. Thank you!

 Meet Sergey

Meet his parents

His Big Brother

and his 5 Sisters

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